Hollows Graphic Novels

1. Blood Work ♠♠♠♠

OMG as a Hollows reader you wouldn't want to miss this for anything!!!


"Blood Work" takes place after "Undead in the Garden of Good and Evil", Ivy's short story (German: Blutmagie). Therefore the story is written from Ivy's point of view.

The storyline is quite simple: It's Rachel's and Ivy's first year together in the IS and the two have to get accomodated. Ivy and Rachel find a dead Were which looks like a vamp-kill, but actually was bled out by a dark coven. After being pissed-off for babysitting Rachel, Ivy realises that she likes being a Runner and even makes some jokes. Kisten is still alive and because of the graphic representation of the past, we also get to see Skimmer and Art.

The pictures and the end are fantastic and although I hate cliffhangers it works because we know how the story will go on and in the interview at the end Kim reveals that there will be another Graphic Novel!!! :)


More Information:

The GN, Interviews and Stores here

Blog entries and different stages of a GN here


~ Lilith ~

2. Blood Crime ♠♠♠

The story continues...


This is the last graphic novel, after that Dead Witch Walking picks the storyline up.


It was also quite good, but not as exciting as the first novel. Although seeing all these characters finally as Kim saw them all those years, is a challenging experience itself ;)


Die zweite Hollows Graphic Novel, spielt nach der ersten Graphic Novel, aber immer noch vor dem ersten Roman.


Hat mich nicht so fasziniert wie der erste, ich kann euch auch leider nicht wirklich sagen, worum es geht. Also, Ivy und Rachel werden Opfer von Anschlägen. Während Rachel versucht, herauszufinden, wer es war, versucht Ivy herauszufinden, ob es Piscary war. Leicht verwirrend, aber wieder wunderschöne Zeichnungen.


Das Cover finde ich mit den Augen etwas gruselig. Aber wer mag schon Kuschelvampire ;)

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